Friday, April 10, 2009

Dun Aonghasa

The highlight of the day on Inis Mor was our trek up Dun Aonghasa, the ancient stone ruins/temple on the island. Parts of it had been there since before 1000 BC. The ruin itself wasn't entirely impressive, lots of stones, but the views from it were spectacular. There were some very impressive cliffs that gave us a good preview for our trip to the Cliffs of Moher tomorrow. Meg may have also been one of the first people to make the hike up there and down in high-heeled boots (to be fair, my shoes weren't too much better).

We put up a lot of posts today so scroll down to the first one of today to read Meg's write-up of the day.

Got the whole bike look going here: pants rolled up on one side, messenger bag and shades.

Staring straight down the cliff with one of my feet hanging over...Meg didn't care for this.
Meg peering over.

Had to put up my 80x zoom shot of a seal I spent 5 minutes trying to get.

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