Monday, April 20, 2009

Scotland Day 1...The Highlands!

Hola...Well, after a late flight from Edinburgh last night, Riley and I are settled back into the apartment in Dublin. I was lucky enough to spend a long weekend with both Riley and my brother Mark (who flew in just for the weekend) in Scotland! First off, let me just say that Scotland is beautiful!! Oh...except for Inverness, don't go there-it's a little ugly, but Edinburgh, the Highlands, and all the lovely little towns in between (including a shout out to Callendar...a town with the same name as my future mother-in-law's maiden name) were stunning! And for those people interested in lambswool, cashmere, or plaid goods (of which I love all nobody's surprise)...Edinburgh is the place for you! It's nicely priced and abundant. Anyway...back to the Highlands...they were definitely a unique mountain experience. In addition to the huge mountain lakes (including Loch Ness...and no, I did not see Nessy....but I wanted to!) and the precipitous peaks, there were super furry sheep and Highland cows, which are the shaggiest cows you'll ever see. Mark really wanted to pet a cow and walk a sheep down the street, but they don't offer that at the tourist attractions...a shame. Anyway, the Highlands were rocky, pastoral, quaint and stunning all at once. We stopped at Urqhuart Castle on Loch Ness, a castle with a truly ancient past and a remarkable landscape. We ended our day at an Indian restaurant in Stirling where Riley got some truly spicy Indian...let's just say there was a decent amount of sweat involved. I hope I don't get in trouble for saying are the Highlands!

A Beautiful mountain valley south of Loch Ness and Loch Lochy (I like to call it Lake Lakey).

Mark smiling despite ruining his camera by dropping it in the river.

Find Riley!

My hair looks crazy red!

Deep thoughts.

There's Mr. Froggie! He loved Scotland.

Those rocks were slippery.

They look confused.

Deer! (We think)
Heep! Heep!

Mark wanted to pet the sheep (or heeps if you will), but they just wanted to eat...silly sheep.

Windy! I just realized it kind of looks like I'm picking my nose...but I'm really just trying to keep my hair out of my face....I swear!

Riley and his Trebuchet. (Be jealous very jealous...if you had this, you could destroy civilization).
Urqhuart Castle...beautiful ruins.

Loch Ness in the background...can you see Nessy?

Froggie had to pee.

Riley defending his keep.

Urqhuart from the other side with the Scottish flag flying proudly.

So cute!
That's my...I can't find Nessy face.

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