Monday, April 20, 2009

Scotland Day 3...Edinburgh and Arthur's Seat!

After two lovely days spent primarily out of Edinburgh, we wanted to spend our last day in Scotland exploring our home base. Edinburgh is a beautiful, unique city. While most of it's architecture is Georgian and reminiscent of London, it's topography makes it a very interesting city full of hills and twists. It has a large rocky outcropping...really almost a mountain right in the heart of the city that has cliffs, an elevated pond and a rocky summit. It was apparently formed by a volcano a very long time ago and is named Arthur's Seat. It made for a lovely day hike and once again we completely lucked out on the weather. Maybe the British Isles really are sunny and that whole rainy, overcast weather thing is just a conspiracy to keep people away.

Finally...the whole group!

Mark rockin' out in the A4.

A handsome man and some beautiful rocks.


This little pond was about half way up to the top.

On the way down.

That's a long fall.

Edinburgh Castle

Riley at the summit

Enjoying a sunny day

Looking down

Mark looking kind of hard core.

Giving my man a smooch.

That's's a 5 pound note with Jack Nicklaus on the back...a non Scottish golfer is on Scottish currency.
The UK loves puns!

The Royal Mile

A random Edinburgh cityscape.

This one is just for Mark...if anybody else gets the reference, thumbs up.

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