Thursday, April 9, 2009

Heading West

Well, today Meg and I are getting a car and heading out to western Ireland for the weekend. A car will be a nice reprieve from public transportation after both of our days yesterday. Meg has had to learn the hard way that the Dublin bus system really sucks. It took her two hours to make what should have been a 45 minute travel to work. This morning, she got on the bus that takes her to the hospital, only to find out that that particular bus didn't stop at the hospital. Most places would call that a different route...Dubliners evidently like to preserve numbers for bus routes.

I got to spend close to 6 hours on the train yesterday. While my journey was very scenic and went without a hitch, I did get the privilege of having to put up with some drunk asshole on the ride up to 8am! They like to get an early start here.

The GMAT didn't take too long and I got to do a little exploring of Belfast before I had to head back. It was a very nice city and one could easily see the British influence on it, i.e. they had British money for the past 300 years. Here's a few pics of the trip, we'll be heading back north to Belfast in 2 weeks.

The Belfast Eye?

Right across the street from where I took the GMAT.

The outskirts of the city.

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