Monday, April 13, 2009


After a nice night of sleep from the big road trip the day before, we were ready to head out for our last stop before our return to Dublin, Killarney. We started the day by driving to the Gap of Dunloe. We "jaunted" a horse and buggy (or trap as the Irish call it) to make our way into the Gap as we didn't have enough time to walk it. It was a nice trip and we got a nice demo from our driver of why Echo Lake earned its name. After that, we drove to the other side of Killarney into the National Park proper. We made our way to see the very pretty Upper Lake and attempted to hike to Torq Waterfall, but due to the wonderfully poor Irish signage and us wondering if a few small streams were an "Irish Waterfall", had to turn back and drive there. It was worth the extra effort, very pretty. As I described the location, it was both the perfect setting for an Irish Spring soap commercial and an idyllic home for leprechauns. 

Us on the stone bridge with the Gap behind us.

The Gap of Dunloe

Our ride for the trip

On our little hike to find Torq waterfall looking out over Middle Lake

Meg on Upper Lake

Torq Waterfall

Trying not to fall in

1 comment:

  1. At least you're dressed appropriately this time! ;-) I did it! Somehow I figured it out...
